Environmental Management and Care Projects.

The picture showing CCDO workers participating in planting trees which will assist the community in Iringa region

CCDO implements the projects for saving the world green cover through planting trees in different areas, encouraging the alternative use of energy apart from charcoal which highly contribute towards the destruction of the climatic condition. We work to save our surrounding environment in order to reduce the rate of intensive global warming in the globe. We have been working with UNDP in conserving the environment. We support various areas such as Nduli, Igingilanyi, Kilolo, Makete, Isaka, Weru,Pawaga, Kalenga and Isimani.

CCDO workers and DEMO participating with teachers and pupils in cleaning school environment on World Environmental day of 5th June, 2015 at Weru Primary school in Weru village
CCDO workers and Natural resources Officers (from Iringa DC) during field visit looking for situation of water source (Isaka) at Isaka village

Fundraising Activity

The picture above shows Former Prime Minister Hon. Fredrick Summaye conducting a fundraising activity for the Peace Flame Pre& Primary School Construction

Among the activities in which CCDO conduct include the fundraising activities. These activities are conducted focusing a certain target. The organization has conducted different fundraising activities. The picture shows the fundraising done for the construction of the Peace Flame School which aims at assisting the vulnerable group of children to gain education for their self-sustainability. The school is located at Kilimahewa Street at Nduli Ward in Iringa- Tanzania. The fundraising activity was attended by Former Prime Minister Hon. Fredrick Summaye and famous gospel singers in East Africa who were; Madam Jennifer Mgendi from Dar es salaam, Madam Christina Shusho from Arusha, Madam Bahati Bukuku from Bukoba, Mr. Bonny Mwaitege from Mbeya and Mr. Solomon Mkubwa from Kenya.


The picture showing the crowd who attended on the fundraising activity for the construction of Peace Flame School
The image above shows the famous gospel singers from right Mrs. Jennifer Mgendi from Arusha, Mrs. Christina Shusho from Dar es salaam, Mr. Solomoni Mkubwa from Kenya, Mrs. Bahati Bukuku from Bukoba and Mr. Bonny Mwaitege from Mbeya

The projects of Supporting women

CCDO works to empower the vulnerable groups including women who are seen to be affected mostly by the bad African Traditions and Customs, torture, poverty and being denied their important rights. As the organization we ensure that this group get the required care for their self-sustaining. We launch different projects which aimed at assisting this group. We empower women through vocational trainings, assisting them with entrepreneurship education, promoting women empowerment, supporting them in agriculture and encouraging them in financial management within their families in order to reduce the risk of being poor.

The image showing the dempostration for supporting women's right on the women's day

Vocation Training Activity.

The picture showing the computer class for empowering women

CCDO provides vocational trainings to different groups in order to empower them in raising their capacity and knowledge in leading their life. The vocational trainings are accompanied with civic education, environmental education, short computer course and entrepreneurship education. The organization possess different welding, carpentry, sewing and molding tools which were received from Tools With A Mission (TWAM) from United Kingdom and computers from World Computer Exchange  from United States of America. Their support made us to help more than 1500 people within two years.


The image showing the women participating in sewing activity

The Projects to support Students.

The picture showing the first essay winner receiving the computer reward from the minister of Gender, elders and Children Hon Sophia Simba.

We work to encourage students to attain their goals through assisting them in their academic skills. We support students by giving them different prizes which will help them to simplify the acquiring of knowledge for their personal understanding. We believe that these students are the one to hold the nation in the coming years. Students are the most important group in any nation. We therefore, encourage them in academic writing and teaching them life skills. The right and left pictures indicate the best essay winners. The left and right pictures shows the two essay winners receiving  the computer from the Minister of Gender, Elders and Children Hon. Sophia Simba and at the right is the first essay winner sharing her ideas with the community

The picture showing the second essay winner receiving the computer reward from the minister of Gender, elders and Children Hon Sophia Simba.

The Projects to Support Orphans

CCDO works to support orphanage children. Most of the orphans are abandoned and move towards the street and become the street children. In Tanzania the rate of orphanage children has been increasing day to day, some are rejected by their parents, some are isolated by their surrounding community, some are have lost their parents while others are affected much by poverty hence, they move to the streets so as they can find anything to consume. This has resulted to the rise of criminal activities such as theft, drug trafficking and robbery, participation in prostitution and increase of children death as the result of diseases effects upon them such as; Urinary Tract Infections (U.T.I), Malaria, Typhoid, Cholera and HIV/ASIDS. As the organization we support this group through training them in I.C.T program, vocational trainings, assisting them with education program for those with eligible age to return to school, providing them with reading service through our organization Library and encouraging their participation in Sports and games program.

CCDO Orphans learning computer course

Refugees Integration Project

The picture showing CCDO Staffs getting trainings in Turin Italy on Refugees intergration

We also work to assist refugees who enter in our country freeing from their mother countries due to civil wars, disasters, hunger breakout, diseases and so on. We support the refugees in the refugees’ camp by assisting them with food, water, clothing and psychological counselling. Our team attended the Refugees support training in Turin Italy.


CCDO School known as Peace Flame School received a water well which was constructed by Water For Africa Institution from Australia in order to facilitate the supply of clean water among the school children. This Aid has facilitate the supply of clean and safe water and reduced the risk of the spread of water born diseases among the Peace Flame School. As CCDO we appreciate all supports which have been laid to us from the supporting Chastises, Individuals, Associations, Enterprises, Organization and all those who have shown us the love and support towards raising our community. 

The image showing the students thanking Water for Africa from Australia for the support of water well